Friday, January 29, 2010

Voices of the people at Trinity Institute 2010

As we have drawn to a conclusion our time together there is much to
consider. Perhaps the closing prayer which was created from the thoughts
of those in our midst best calls to mind God's words in our midst and the
first steps we each will ponder beyond this conference. These prayers
attached started as comments on post it notes and were knit together by
God among us. Giving thanks to all who gathered, for partnership not only
between Holy Trinity and St James, but God's much broader vison lived out
in our fellowship, and offering blessings for our journeys forth in
Christ's name.
O God, you are…
Our light and inspiration, good, the way of life, source of all that is good, the one who knows the ways of our world, the teacher who can help us solve these problems, the one whose economy embraces the whole world, the giver of wealth, some of which we do not know or use,creator of all things and all people and still creating through us.
We thank you for…
Abundant resources,Making us your children through the gift of your Son,Giving us eternal victory and hope,The gift of collaborative conversation,Learning through suffering,The whole world-no exceptions!The ability to understand and be understood,Giving us vision,Giving us relationships,Scientists and those who work to cure disease and suffering,Technology,Freedom to worship without fear of repercussions,The beauty of nature.
We pray that…
You continue to make your presence known,We might use the earth you have given us wisely,We might discern your will and have the courage to do it,You might remove our fear of others,We might hear the calls of the oppressed.
So that…
You may be glorified,Your will may be done,We may be your hands, feet and voice,We may grow in more trusting relationships,All humankind may know your love and share in the world’s resources in justice and peace. All God’s people say…AMEN!

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