Thursday, August 30, 2007

5 Things My Children Should Know ( and since I have children I hope they do/will)

Thanks to David for tagging me for this meme and getting my head out of the summer Greek to come up for air. And this is a great topic. So here are my five things, not necessarily in order and sorry for some brevity but you former summer Greek people know where I am - tomorrow is the final:

1. There is nowhere that life will take you where God is not right there with you.
This is the teen version of the Romans verse which is my fave
( my Lutheran Chicks are 13 and 15)
I have relied on this to get me through many things. We are NEVER without God

2. Although not every thing can be fixed, there is nothing than cannot be forgiven.
First taught to LC #2 when she pulled a page out of the printer too quickly
and it went "crunch". When told this her tears and fears melted away.

3. Everyone is different- that is what makes life interesting. But be who you are.

4. There is a difference between being " the best" and doing "your best."
The first is a matter of opinion and opinions change. Working to be your best shows that you are using your gifts from God the best you can. Sometimes this will go well, sometimes it will go not so well. But God's grace is unending.

5. Never pass up a chance to show someone you love or care for them. You never know if there will be another. You may be just what that person needed at that moment.
Do this and you will not have regrets for what could have been.

So there you have it. I hope the Chicks live these out. I see times when they do and I am reminded of how blessed I am to have my children and my husband- gifts don't get much better than that!


Diane M. Roth said...

I like these -- especially "doing your best". Hard lesson for us perfectionists to learn. But important.

Pastor Eric said...

I like your list. I am guessing golf would make your top 10 :)